Profile PictureOmotosho Ezekiel


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We have list of more than 3000000 Importers, manufacturers, fabricators and wholesalers in different part of the world. We provide the list according to your product type. Send inquiry to get list.

In the export business, it doesn’t matter if you are a newcomer testing international waters for the first time or an established exporter looking to grow your business abroad.

Your main challenge is always to find buyers for the goods or services you provide.

Selling in an unknown country is never easy.

There are physical distances, cultural differences and language barriers to consider, among other things.

Luckily, we live in a time where technological advances have shrunk our world and brought us closer.

This means it’s easier to find foreign buyers for your #export business today than it was, say, 20 years ago.

I Will Teach Show You How To Get Foreign Buyers

What Data/Service Do We Provide?

We give you access to shipping manifests for all ocean freight entering and exiting different countries (Not For Air Freight)

The ocean freight shipping manifest is a public record in all countries so we’ve built easy-to-use database to finding exactly what you’re looking for simple.

Where Do We Get This Information?

We license our data from a variety of sources including records from different countries Bureau of Commerce and industry, paid trading platforms, other government agencies, non-profit organizations and partnerships with private data services.

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Buyers and Shipment data is sourced directly from each country's customs bureau. Select your country to see the information from our database.

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